[Bill Mỹ] Viên uống giảm cholesterol Nature Made Cholest Off Plus 210 viên
Cholesterol trong máu chính là một căn bệnh tưởng chừng như vô hại do chưa có các bi�
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Cholesterol trong máu chính là một căn bệnh tưởng chừng như vô hại do chưa có các biểu hiện rõ rệt ra bên ngoài, nhưng nó lại vô cùng nguy hiểm, đây chính là nguyên nhân gây ra những biến chứng, cũng như những căn bệnh gây chết người như: Cao huyết áp, đột quỵ, nhồi máu cơ tim và xơ vữa động mạch.
Nature Made Cholest Off giúp hạ Cholesterol tự nhiên và giảm cholesterol 210 viên

CholestOff Plus is clinically proven to lower cholesterol.
Maintaining a healthy cholesterol level is an important part of good heart health. CholestOff Plus is made with Reducol™, a proprietary blend of plant sterols and stanols (also called phytosterols) that can help lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol by reducing the absorption of dietary cholesterol into the bloodstream.
The National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) recommends 2000 milligrams of plant sterols and stanols as part of a therapeutic diet to help lower cholesterol. However, most people only consume 200 milligrams through their diet. CholestOff Plus provides the additional 1800 milligrams of plant sterols and stanols to help meet what the NCEP recommends for cholesterol reduction. Products containing at least 400 mg per serving of plant sterols and stanols, eaten twice a day with meals for a daily intake of at least 800 mg as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. One serving of Nature Made CholestOff supplies 900 mg of plant sterols and stanols for a daily intake of 1800 mg.
CholestOff Plus is made with esterified sterols and stanols instead of free form sterols and stanols used in CholestOff Original. These esterified sterols and stanols have been clinically studied and show consistent cholesterol-lowering results. Additionally, Nature Made has conducted clinical trials examining the effects of CholestOff Plus on cholesterol. Our studies show that consuming CholestOff Plus in addition to following the NCEP’s Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) diet reduced LDL cholesterol levels. CholestOff Plus is formulated in an easy-to-swallow softgel.
Nature Made CholestOff Plus is guaranteed to meet our high quality standards – it is made from carefully selected ingred